Are the new arrivals on the database the one's from clydebank?? Any photo's planned? Especially of Joy of Nell, already nicknamed her Joy because it sounds lovely and full of hope.
Are the new arrivals on the database the one's from clydebank?? Any photo's planned? Especially of Joy of Nell, already nicknamed her Joy because it sounds lovely and full of hope.
Hi Gail, the new ones on the BGRB website are just a few of the influx of dogs we've had in in the last fortnight since the article about the guy killing 10,000 dogs. When I first read it I thought we'd get a lot of people wanting to adopt but what seems to have happened is that I've now got a lot of trainers who've never surrendered dogs to us before coming forward looking to hand in their dogs. Atleast we've made a few more contacts and saved a few more lives (although finding places for all these is becoming a tad tricky) Anyways 'Joy' is arriving at a free kennel spot on Monday so will hopefully get sme piccies through the week!
Was on the phone tonight to my friend in Durham (near to where Killing Fields is). She has a greyhound and she says it is the same down there. All the dog homes and greyhound charities have had a big influx of hounds the owners are to scared to put down. Great news for all the saved hounds but lets hope all the new owners start flooding in too.
Do greyhound agencies talk to each other? So if one had a kennel and another didn't they would help each other out, or are they all at pretty much the same bursting point as GAL?
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Do greyhound agencies talk to each other? So if one had a kennel and another didn't they would help each other out, or are they all at pretty much the same bursting point as GAL?
I talk to a few other rescues from time to time, sometimes there's a bit of mutual back scratching (remember the 4 dogs from the Irish rescue we got last year?) but generally the 'no vacancies' sign is up in all of our kennels...
It's brilliant that the article seems to be saving some lives and making trainers think about how they "dispose" of retired and unwanted dogs but the cynic in me wonders if this is short lived while the heat is still on from the killing fields story...let's hope not!!
I went to see 2 of our new arrivals today, 2 very lovely ladies who deserve their piccies to be posted here..
This is Sally (racing name For Review) she's the quiet reserved one, cautious but not overly so, walks like a wee star on lead and is just adorable!
And here's Nell (racing name Joy of Nell) she's the lively one, lively in a good way, defo up for a spot of fun and trouble, stayed at the end of her lead the whole walk just in case she missed something! In the first picture she's just copped sight of the horse that was behind me..
Two adorable new dogs on the books, and probably 2 dogs we wouldn't have seen had it not been for the recent publicity surrounding the happenings in Durham, both dogs are 2 years old...
They are both gorgeous girls, I think Nell has quite a mischievous look in her eyes and Sally is going to have a lovely shiny coat when she loses that kennel coat.
It is a shame that there are so many needing homes, let's hope they get the retirement that they deserve soon.
I hope that the heat stays on the trainers and they all keep surrendering dogs to charities. I also hope that more people become aware of what is going on for these lovely gentle dogs.