Do any of you have any experience of corns?? Neo had a fairly bad limp a while back and vet treated him for a cyst in his pad, which cleared up and limp seemed to improve but at the same time i noticed a corn on the little stump of his amputated toe. The vet said at the time that it could have been contributing to his limp but as the corn was soft ( i use tea tree pad oil on Neo) that he would leave it alone as the limp had improved.
Over the last day the limp has returned and the corn is much harder. I wondered if a corn alone could make him sore enough to not really want to walk. He seems fine for the first 100 or so yards then starts to struggle and today he has let out a yelp a couple of times, although he is a big softie and enjoys the attention that gets him!!
Any thoughts or experiences before i take himback to the vet would be appreciated,
i knew of a greyhound that used to board at the kennels i used to work at. That dog certainly limped a lot and looked in pain but he had the dog regulary checked by the vet and im sure every so often it had to get the corns removed but im sure they always came back.
Hope he feels better soon
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Poor Neo, Gail sorry to hear he is limping with the pain. If he gets no better I would take him back to the vets (or get a second opinion). To see what can be done, he must be fed up as they love their walks don't they!
Greys are big cry babies arn't they - all mine have cried at the slightest thing. Charlie used to cry if he saw the vet with the nail clippers before he even touched him!
Thanks folks, i think it probably is the corn that's causing the problem as he seems to be ok when walked on the grass and his mobility in his leg does not seem to be the issue, so should be easily treated and back to normal in no time (i hope)..
Gail just read your post Bovril had a corn a few months ago (vet was treating him for Arthritis!)
Anyway to cut along story short he had to have it cut out under sedation he healed up nicely,
But now he has one on his back foot we have been treating him at home using Corn &Callous remover lotion that you buy from the Chemists ,also every night after he has had a painkiller using a hard skin remover (like a pumice stone Got it in Superdrug) to file down the corn it is working well also have a boot for him as where we live has loads of gritty paths which hurt when he stands on them.
Carol also told me that she used a tool from B&Q that has a file like device on it she uses that to file them down,hope this helps .Would be Glad to send you one of the boots if that would help meantime . Should also say to take Neo to the vets if you dont want to do it yourself,all in all it cost us about £100 !pounds as he was being treated needlessly for Arthritis the cost for removal of corn was around £ 60! hope this helps sorry to ramble on Hugs to Neo from Bovril& family xxx:
Denise, thanks for that, will give the corn remover a try. Sounds like much the same situation as you have with Bovril, vet initially treated Neo for arthritis too but i had a feeling that wasn't the problem because he never seemed in pain when his joints were manipulated.
Sorry to hear Bovril has developed another one. Will you take him to the vet to have it removed or just continue to treat it yourself? I would be fine treating Neo and he has no probs letting me put oil or anything on it, i think they realise you are trying to help them, don't they!!
The boot sounds a great idea as we do have a sort of gravelly path leading into the park where we walk every day and that does seem to be when it gets worse.
Gail we are treating him ourselves have just found a fantastic tool ,its from the pound shop ,a wee battery operated manicure set that has a rough file end it works atreat and only cost £1 .I would be happy to get you a set and post it on if you dont have a pound shop near you .Bovrils curled up on my bed feeling sorry for himself as we have just filed it and put on the lotion ,Just pm me if you want a Manicure set and the boot cheers Denise
Our old boy, Reilly, had a number of corns over the years but after the first three had been removed (and returned) we resorted to the tool mentioned
"Carol also told me about a tool she used from B & Q"
It worked very well as long as it was used on a regular basis and he was walked only on grass. I'm sure the tool from Poundland will do the same thing - just be careful, try only to. reduce the hard tip. Reilly managed on this regime for 3 years.
Gail hows things have you received the parcel yet .
Bovrils corn is much better having used the filing tool from the manicure set we used the smooth metal bit, it isn't harsh and abrasive on the pad and he tolerated it well ,we are trying where possible to walk him on softer ground but stubbornb***** likes to stick to his old route , hope Neo is pain free soon Denise
Again a massive thanks for the parcel, it really was very kind of you. It arrived yesterday but not used it yet but will try it later today and let you know how i get on. Will i see you and Bovril at the GALa on Sunday, would be good to thank you in person.