Jenn, I have no idea when or how the practice was stopped in the UK. I would imagine our RSPCA (Royal Society for the Protection of Animals) had a hand in it tho. Maybe you could research their website and/or contact them for information.
Our vet has a prominent display about stopping tail docking, which I find really heartening, because if vets and public demand it's stoppage, then I'm sure the breeders and Kennel Clubs will adapt. I always feel sad to see a docked tail.
Jenn, you certainly havent offended anyone. You dogs are lovely and looking forward to seeing more pics of them.
I only posted these pics as some people are not aware that this actually happens. As you say, your dogs are loved and well cared for. Hopefully see more of your gang soon
Jennifer x
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
Welcome to GAL. It's a shame you can't chose what parts you want your puppy to keep but how did Taylor miss out? She looks 'natural'. Also folks, tail docking ain't much better and this is legal here. Any mutation of animals should not be allowed but it's the kennel club we have to blame. They set the standards.