I have been meaning to sign up for this since we got Keira (May 06). Keira is a 5 year old black greyhound. We also have Lachie a heinz 57(got him 4 years ago he is 7). They seem to be getting on really well. We went camping for 2 weeks & thats when we saw the true Keira. She is a beach lover & enjoys the occasional dip. Since we have come back our hols she has become completly settled. Keira now sits when asked & likes to play with her sqeaky ball. Despite a bit of limp she loves long walks through the woods.
I only have one thing that is bothering me. Since the heat wave Keira has lost a lot of hair on her back legs. Her new coat is coming in & there is no rash. She also has quite dry skin.
Is this normal ?? & Any suggestions for the dry skin??
Sounds like bald thigh but this is usually during kennel life caused by stress. May be that she's just lost more than normal during her moult, with the first one once coming into a home being the heaviest and worst. It's usually two or so months that it starts in a big scale. If it's coming in ok nothing to worry about but if her skin is out of condition then possibly shampoo for this problem from the vet or pet shop. My first grey, Vinny, had dry skin and I was advised weekly medicated baths with shampoo I got from vet. Also evening Primrose oil capsules, human ones are fine. This adds condition in time. I could have filled a douvet with the hair Lenny moulted when he first came. It was awful as he's white and fawn. He is still a fairly heavy moulter but been told common with pale coloured greys. You shouldn't have this problem with her being black. She'll be a gorgeous shiny girl!
My Chad (who I got in Oct 05) could malt for Britain. He is a complete nightmare on my midnight blue carpet - He is fawn. I am pleased I am not the only one with bald thighs although his is on one side only!
I have had three previous greys and none have malted like this (bad on the first year) but he is by far the worst and you can fill the hoover daily!
I am looking forward to leaving my carpets behind as the house I am hoping to move to is all wooden floors I hope it will be easier to clean up.
I am going to bath him again this weekend and see if it helps.
Neo had quite bad dandruff when he first arrived and although he still gets a little bit occasionally it has cleared up a lot and his coat is really shiny. i give him olive oil on his food three times a week and i use Aloe Vera gel (from the health food shop) to rub into his bald and dry bits. His bald thighs have nearly gone completely so it definately helps. He shed loads of hair to begin with but very little now.
Some greyhounds end up having baldy thighs, and some don't. Our two have the same living conditions, same food, same exercise regime, same love and attention. Harry has nice hairy thighs (except in winter - go figure!) but Pearly is a baldy little lamb. Even greys who have never raced and/or been in homes from pups can have bald thighs. It's a funny old thing.
Gail's right that aloe vera is great for dry skin.
Keira, I typed 'bald' into the search engine above, and found several threads on here that were very reassuring! We've had our greyhound Piper since Easter; she's the least stressy dog I've ever met, but she's been shedding massively in the last four weeks or so and is going bald around the back end.
Bonnie the lurcher, whom we've had from pup for over 5 years now, is also shedding, although not balding, so I assume the recent heatwave is the main reason.
Bald Greyhound thighs are one of those life's little mysteries, bit like the pyramid....there's lots of threads on here with various suggestions and home made remedies, worth trying a few!
Glad you've posted on the forum. Was nice to see you at the Palace Grounds the other week. Keira is looking great. It was really out of character for Amber to walk under Keira's tummy. She usually gives dogs bigger than her a wide berth. Not like her at all as Lachie will testify. Hope to see you at the Gala.