After posting Neo's story on news and views about him losing his claw, just thought i'd see if anyone has any tips or advice to help him heal.
This is the first time any of my dogs have done this so not sure how long it's likely to take to heal.Vet advised removing bandage this morning and although he yelped a lot i've finally got it off and bathed him with salt water. What worries me most is that it is the same foot that his toe was amputated so that's two nails on the same foot that he's now missing, so i imagine it will be quite painful on the pads when he's walking.
Should his claw grow back? and if so how long will that take?
Supposed to be travelling on the train to the GALa on sunday and i'm not sure if i should attempt it with him, will probably just monitor how much pain he seems to be in over next couple of days.
Bonnie ripped a claw last November; I think she was off walks for four weeks while the claw grew back around the little stump. However, she is more active than a greyhound, and not good to walk on the lead - and off the lead she runs like a lunatic, never takes it easy regardless of blood and pain.
We used to only take her around the block and let her out in the garden with a sock & bootie on (without a sock the bootie would go flying).
It also depends which claw - Bonnie's was one of the outer ones (front paw) which doesn't bear the weight; the central claws will need longer rest, especially as Neo is already one short.
Dave ripped his claw out a few months back. We didn't take him to the vet tho I did phone her for advice. She just said to keep an eye on it so that the bleeding stopped (which it did after a while) and keep it clean - wash it if he's walked on mucky grass, that sort of thing.
It was fine and didn't seem to cause him any pain at all - he didn't even cry when he did it !!
The claw did grow back eventually but it took weeks. No after-effects at all.
Pearly has damaged both her dew claws a few times, involving having them ripped out by the vet. And I mean, ripped out.... no nice. But they've grown back every time.
I know it's not the same for Neo, seeing as it's not his dew claw, but fingers crossed he should be okay with no ill-effects.