Tom has just discovered wooden spoons too. I left the dishwasher open to cool down and he stole a wooden spoon. Dave alerted me by standing and staring at Tom. I knew it was odd for Dave to just stand there so had to see what he was looking at
just as I was about to empty the dishwasher, Tom thought he'd try for the other wooden spoon - just caught him in time to save it !!
I was thinking that I'd leave our bedroom door open when I go back to work to allow them more space to sort themselves out. Now I wonder what I might come home to !
That actually works really well with my three. Normally, when I get home at lunchtime, Wills has been on my bed (can tell because he makes himself a wee nest with the quilt whereas the other two just lie on it), Tigger has been on the futon in one upstairs room and Millie on a bed in one of the other upstairs rooms. I've very rarely come home to a disaster as they usually just sleep for the duration. The one incident was when Tigger decided to open the mail for us. Fortunately it was just the one letter!
Glad he is ok after the op. Loved the bit about the wooden spoons. Over 2 years down the line Blue is still astounding us with his stupidness when it comes to eating things. Came home today to find the kids wax crayons tub on his bed half were missing and he had bright green teeth!! Technicolor poos are expected for the morning Sounds as though Tom is a foody nothing will be safe again
Look forwards to seeing and hearing how the 3 are getting on
Suppose if he poos the colour of his teeth, you'll have a job to spot it in any grass! Seriously though - I hope there are no unpleasant side effects to him having eaten wax! Suppose it must be pretty safe seeing as crayons are for children and they are known to have chewed on them! You have to wonder at their tastes sometimes though.
Amanda, can't wait to hear how Blue's crayons come out !!
Tom has most definitely found the sofa, much to the annoyance of Dave and Daisy, hehehehe. He's also discovered the toy box - he's had almost everything out to see what they all do. Of course, Daisy is most miffed about this and she's spent ages tidying up all the toys so they are now on the beds
Tom hasn't really adapted to his new food as well as I'd have liked. No surprise there then ! He's now on chicken, rice and pasta for two days then I'll introduce the "proper" stuff over the next week. Having got Dave and Daisy's bottoms sorted, it's a nuisance to have to hose down the garden again !!
Glad to hear that things are going well with Tom - he sounds like a right character, bless him. What a fantastic piccie of three gorgeous dogs. I love the way Daisy is hanging onto the arm of the sofa in the bottom piccie.
Tree - I can't get over how similar your Dave and my Pearly are. They could be twins!
What a lovely picture of Pearly - I hadn't realised how alike her and Dave are, I've never seen two dogs look so similar, it really is stunning.
Daisy always seems to hang over the arm of the sofa. It looks so uncomfortable as her front legs are completely splayed out but I guess she finds it comfy or she wouldn't do it.
Debbie, the three of them don't often lay on the sofa like that. In fact, I was surprised that they stayed there long enough for me to get the camera out !
He gets called Tom Tom Sat Nav - it just seems to sorta flow!!
The dinner-time ritual is good for everyone. Tom gets fed in the hall and Dave and Daisy get fed in the kitchen with the door shut. This has had a terrific influence on D and D as they now eat all their dinner in one go. I very often used to end up chucking some of it away but we only ever get clean bowls now
We have left the three unattended on a number of occasions of varying lengths of time. Haven't yet come home to carnage so this bodes well for my return to work on Monday.
Tom is a real cuddle-pup. He loves being stroked and kissed and petted.
He's a big girl's blouse when it comes to hurty bits. Dave has finally found a dog who will do the chase game with him but it always ends in tears. Tom seems to get dinked (the house is, after all, very small) and the play is stopped by him crying. After a couple of minutes of fussing, he's fine
Will post more when his character surfaces further.
Thanks for everyone's patience with me - I could talk all day about the babes !!
Glad it's going so well Teresa, he really does sound lovely.
You must be relieved that there has been no mishaps when you have left them together, there would be nothing worse than going back to work stressed and worrying ( actually you will probably do that anyway, but hopefully it will be needless).
Hope things continue to go this good for you all and keep us posted, I love to read all about everyone else's dogs