Hi Folks, another quick update, Simon continues to do well, he's got some mobility in his leg now which is a good sign, the swelling in the leg is taking a bit longer than expected to go down so the vet is just waiting till that happens before closing the wound, due to this it'll probably be the middle of next week before he gets 'home'..
Poor Simon/King - hey isn't that a wildlife presenter!
Sorry to hear you have had to blow the Gala takings but there again - I believe the universe (or whatever higher power you believe in) only sends you what you can cope with and Dave once again you have saved the day - and the grey! So well done I am sure the decision was the right one.
As a matter of interest Chad finished racing due to a similar really serious injury to his hock, it too was shattered. The owner and trainer loved him and payed the cost of treatment and then cared for him for another year before letting him come to me.They even phone me to see how he is and are pleased if I go away since they get to see him! This is heart warming since it proves that there are a few diamonds in amongst the rogues. The point being Chad is absolutely fine except psycologically. When we got him he believed he could not run. Of course he can but he really believed he could not. I'm afraid he is a changed dog now and loves a good run!
This bodes very well for Simon King and hopefully he too will make a marvelous full recovery!
Hi Folks, quick update on Simon, he arrived at the kennels on Wednesday and has settled into his temporary home in Rachels kitchen very well, seems to be coping really well with his leg, he's been really good and not even touched his bandage. He's getting around quite well on the leg and a minimum of pain killers, next week he'll go back to the vets school for a check up and dressing change, he's got 6 weeks of short walks ahead of him but the outlook so far is good!
So pleased to hear (and see) how well he is coping. Lovely looking dog I hope he gets spoilt while he re-couperates and bags himself a lovely home at the end of it all. Em x
It's great to see him up and about and doing so well. He deserves the best after all the pain he has braved and i'm sure he is going to repay some lucky family with loads of love
Thanks for posting the photos. Simon looks like he's doing very well and I hope that continues. Here's to his further progress and finding a lovely home when he's all better
Thanks for the pics and update, he's a lovely looking dog, and just one very lucky boy because you managed to get hold of him and make sure he gets a proper chance at life. Fingers crossed he continues to do well, and hoping he gets his forever home soon.
It's good to see pictures of him recuperating. Poor soul has been through a lot and we can only hope that he has a speedy recovery and a short wait for a home. Thanks for keeping us updated regarding his progress.
For anyone who went to the GALa, you might remember seeing a couple with their dog who had suffered a similar injury to Simon, and their dog's leg was all stookied up pretty much exactly the same. I had a chat with them about it and they said that he'd had it on for some weeks and it was due to come off. He'd been neither up nor down with it and the vets were pleased with his progress. I wish I could remember the dog's name - he was a lovely, lovely big lad, and very friendly. Here's hoping that Simon recovers as well.
Was it a big white dog with a couple of black patches? If it's the same one I know he's called Shaney and is about 3 years old. I know the girl who owns him - he's her first grey and very much a spoilt pooch!! Her husband told me that they couldn't have another dog because they have a small car! Aha, I cried! I told them that we used to be able to take Freddy & Wilma in the boot of a Felicia! Seemingly on the way home he told her that they should get another dog! A little girl called Millie joined their happy family just over a week ago (both dogs from RGT) - ahhhhh!!
He still has his stookie on but is making fantastic progress!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
Bit late but I've only caught up on this thread (I'm not really allowed to look at Foster Appeals, cos the last time I did we ended up with Myrtle/Fast Learner - see year past May. I just sneaked on for a look tonight!!!). Just thought I'd add my good wishes for King/Simon, and can I just say that there is no place better for recuperation than with Rachel and Eddie! Dave, the amount from the GALa was obviously meant!
Dave, we kept the name you gave to Trinity. Although she now answers to all sorts.
LOL, yeah Scott I can imagine!!...
Simon is still looking for his forever home, he's recovered better than expected and apart from the odd twinge in his leg if it's wet or cold he's good to go to his new home (when I find one for him!)...