I'm still trying to get my head round the fact that Tigger has now been with us for nearly nine months. It only seems like yesterday that we were meeting her at the Christmas Fayre.
Following that train of thought, Millie has now been with us for nearly three years and my boy has been my constant companion for over seven years now. It's truly scary because, again, I can remember my first meetings with these two like they were only yesterday.
I just do not know where that time has gone. I have so many fantastic memories and am looking forward to all the things that are going to happen that will add to them but I'm still convinced that someone is splicing time to make it seem shorter than it has been!
I think it happens to all of us, Karen. We've had Pearly for over 2-and-a-half years and it seems like 2 seconds. She's still as playful as ever, bless her. And we've had Harry for over 16 months. It just seems like yesterday that he first rolled over for a tummy tickle! We met his former foster family, Carol and Bill, at the GALa on Sunday and it was lovely to see their pleasure at seeing him even after all this time.
I was thinking just the same thing a few days ago. I adopted Angus after a GAL sponsored walk in Strathlcyde Park in August 6 years ago. Still can't believe it.
I echo this I have had Chad for nine months too and it seems like the time has flown by and yet he still feels new in a lot of ways. I think this is because we had,had our Tiger for years when we got Chad.
I think i must be the exception because i feel like Neo has been with me forever, but i believe that's probably because i haven't actually had him that long and i'm not at the stage that you guys are at where the time has started to fly.
Because he settled and trusted me so completely right from the start, i still find myself thinking "has he really only been here for 4 months". I just can't seem to remember a time when he wasn't part of the family. Certainly wouldn't be without him now.
dave and daisy have been here nearly two years and i can't remember a time without them, even tho i can remember, so clearly, the first day we met them
That is exactly how I feel. I cannot imagine being a life without dogs now. They are such great company especially when Graeme is away for two weeks at a time.
It only reinforces that theory that Greyhounds (and all dogs) have some sort of magical quality!
I get both feelings - that I've always had the dogs, cannot remember life without them (and certainly do not want to imagine it) - and also that they are still fresh, new and amazing regardless of how long they have lived with me (5 1/2 years for Bonnie, 4 months with Piper).
Funnily I was talking to Denise about this a few weeks ago, I guess there's a natural cycle with things but we were standing at an event looking at the dogs and we both sort of realised how old some of the dogs are now, some of the ones we'd rehomed 5 or 6 years ago now getting into double figures..time certainly flies...
It must be so rewarding for you both to see these dogs reaching old age and enjoying life (and looking fantastic). Without you they would have had uncertain futures.