Yesterday Suzie (age 11 years) was throwing herself around the garden after Sim (age 4 years) like a dog half her age - as is her habit.
She slipped on the grass which happens frequently and my heart is always in my mouth, but she carried on running up the grass. However, when she stopped at the top she was standing on three legs and looking at me with a bewildered expression.
Suzie is very stoic - the absolute opposite of a drama queen - so I knew she had hurt herself. When I reached her the outside toe on her left hind leg was pointing in and under the other toes at a really weird, excruciating angle - bleagh!
A trip to the vet on a Saturday afternoon/evening He injected local anaesthetic into several sites around the foot and then manipulated the toe back into position - OUCH. Suzie never uttered a squeak!
However - the worry is whether or not the toe will stay in place or dislocate again. Her foot is bandaged and she is confined to garden outings only - which she is quite peeved about! If it dislocates again then the choices are considerably more complicated and may include having her toe amputated.
She is due back at the vet on Tuesday. Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed that her foot recovers and she doesn't need an operation.
Sorry to hear about Suzie's accident. Sounds like you suffered more than she did, Lesley!
I hope it heals well and she won't need an operation. Can imagine how put out she'll feel being confined to the garden & not getting to join the other two for walks
Poor Suzie, they are amazing how they hurt themselves and carry on without so much as a murmour sometimes and at others howl the house down over nothing!
I hope she makes a speedy recovery and her toe stays where it is meant to be. Fingers, toes and paws crossed from Em and Chad xx
They really do have a knack of hurting themselves don't they!!
Poor Suzie, hope it all heals well with no need for her to lose the toe. Neo manages perfectly well after having his amputated, but really hope it doesn't come to that for her. Fingers and toes are all crossed for her recovery.
Daisy did exactly the same thing. She ran, full pelt, up the stairs and squealed when she got to our bedroom. I had a good look round her but could see nothing wrong (apparently, the toe had righted itself then).
A few weeks later it must have dislocated again as it was at right angles to the toe next to it. She was hopping occasionally but it didn't seem to hurt her to walk on it. We took her to the vet and, as the second dislocation was a long time after the original injury he couldn't put it back. It seemed to have healed in that odd position. We discussed amputation but the vet was very reluctant and rejected that idea.
Nearly two years on, it doesn't bother her at all but just looks a bit weird. The nail has to be trimmed as it's not touching the ground to be worn down. Trouble is, she HATES this. Runs a mile at the sight of the clippers and even went for Neil today when we tried to cut the nail. As this seems to have become more of a problem, we might re-investigate the amputation option.
So, it's not as bad as it would seem. Hope this helps you.
Suzie was back at the vets last night and he was pleased with her progress. More of the same for now - bound foot and on-lead garden outings only - and fingers crossed for a full recovery and no requirement for surgical intervention!!!
So sorry to hear about her toe.Ouch!! When Keira had her stick in the chest accident we were told 2 weeks rest but by day 4 she was jumping about & desperate to get out & about. Bit different for you as she has to make sure she keeps the toe set in place.
Suzie is now without bandage, but we have a small, close fitting boot to put on her when she goes out - to support her foot and hold the toe in place. She will wear that, and have restricted exercise (although she can now come for gentle walks), for the next two weeks.
After that the vet said we will have to: "leave the boot off, let her off the lead, and hope for the best"!!! In other words we won't know whether the toe will stay in place until it does (or doesn't). That will be tense and I'll let you know how she gets on.
Florence has disolcated her toe (on her front foot) twice in the past aswell. (snapped numerous claws too.) She screamed like a banshee (very much a woose) and her dad had to carry her home. Vet did/said pretty much the same too. Fingers crossed, since the last time her toe has stayed in place so far. Abbey gets all the bumps and lumps noo!
I don't envy you letting her off the lead and hoping for the best, my heart would be in my mouth the first couple of times just hoping she will be ok and i'm sure yours will be too.
Unfortunately we have a new, and unexpected, development to deal with. When Suzie's last bandage came off she had a raw bit on top of her foot which the boot she is supposed to wear makes worse by rubbing it - bloomin typical!
Despite our best efforts - Suzie managed to work at the small raw patch, left by her bandage, over last weekend and enlarge it. I covered it with a loose dressing, still hoping that fresh air would do the trick, but on Monday evening - in the space of about five minutes - she licked the dressing off and enlarged the raw area to at least 5 x the size it was originally. By Tuesday the previously dislocated toe was swollen and she was limping badly - back to the vet!
She has an infection in her foot which is once more dressed and bandaged, and she is on antibiotics, and she may yet lose her toe which would be such a blow when she appeared to be making a good recovery from the dislocation.
I am changing the dressing and bandage daily and we are due back at the vet tomorrow.
Suzie's foot is improving, but has a persistent ulcerated area on the outside. So she is still on antibiotics and still having daily dressing changes - the troublesome area is getting smaller but only ever so slowly which is worrying.
Poor Suzie, she has a bad few weeks, and poor Lesley too. It sounds quite a bad infection which may take time to get rid of, but at least there is improvement. Plenty of hugs and kisses to her from the Balloch gang.
Sorry to hear about Suzie's foot. Its hard to understand when something's sore they keep on jumping around or continue licking it to make it worse! Fingers (or toes) crossed that it will heal up soon.
Poor Suzie, it's been a bit of a marathon with her foot. We all hope that it gets better soon and wish her all the best. We'll try sending healing thoughts.