Apparently this month is Pet Smile month and alot of vets are offering free dental checks for dogs. I contacted out local vets who aren't participating, but they did inform me they offer the service free anyway. Bad luck Morse, guess where he's going tomorrow?
Dogs are not intelligent: never trust any animal that is suprised by its own farts!
1. Most vets will look at your hound's teeth for free. It's the treatment that costs !!!!
2. I went onto their website to find my nearest vet for this service, purely out of interest. The whole thing took flippin ages and then the site crashed.
I got into the site really easy Teresa, and it turns out my vet is taking part so i have booked neo and Sally in for the initial check. Don't know if they are all offering further offers but the one here is giving a 10% discount on any dental treatment required during the whole of September. Might be worth another try