Last night, C4, about 8pm. The woman on "How Clean is Your Home" has 3 greyhounds. Her house was absolutely chockful of stuff and very dirty. She decided to do something about it cos her dogs were getting old and she was worried about them falling. Bless her. The dogs were fairly old and doddery but so cute. The camera did a close-up of one of them and I could see its wee teeth doing that chattering thing that groos do so well.
Yes, Fiona I did manage to see most of the programme. It was a sin to have the wee souls in such a pit with no space to move due to the mountains of clutter & filth in every room. Thank goodness it got sorted and the lady was so chuffed & the dogs looked comfy once it was done
I'd get strung up by the wotsits if I got another one just now. Was trying to work out if I'd get away with providing an emergency home on a temporary basis if there was a desperate rush to get a dog away from a trainer. With other half being away a fortnight at a time, if it's timed right, I'd maybe manage it however I work all day so it's not really very feasible.
four eh? hmm? no, don't even go there !! i've just got used to number 3.
Mind you, when I told my friend at work that I was getting Tom, she said "ooh you must have Jerry to go with him". Luckily, she ducked in time to miss the sellotape dispenser I was about to throw at her !!!
I used to think that my house was an adequate size for me and Neil. With three dogs, I realised that my house is tiny !! It's a three-bed terrace. Fine for two adult humans but I'm now considering a small farm ! lol
I saw the programme. I was horrified at how underweight the white greyhound was! Not only could you see every rib quite clearly, but you could also see all the hip bones too. I ended up getting quite upset by it. If you can't look after yourself, how can you expect to look after 3 dogs?!!!!
Who's more foolish - the fool, or the one who follows him?
I found the programme upsetting too, but clearly the woman had been unwell for quite some time. They didn't really explore it in the programme but she said she'd suffered three close bereavements in the space of a year and that all the clutter was a form of comfort for her. Aggie and Kim were very gentle with her too. It must have been a huge shock to suddenly have all her 'stuff' gone, regardless of how ready she was for it. I welled up when she said that she thought about the future for the first time in years and years.
As for the white dog, was he not just very, very old? That's what I thought, and he surely walked like an elderly gentleman too.
I found the programme really upsetting because the dogs were living in such dirt and squalor, and I had a bit of sympathy with the woman, but I was wavering, because it took her 10 years to realise they were starting to fall over in the rubble! I just kept thinking about how I could never subject any animal to that, and it was obvious she needed help a long time ago. Still, trying not not be too judgemental!
Never saw the programme,but Tree I know where you're coming from!!! We also live in a 3 bed terrace...with 3 dogs,a cat,4 kids and Jim and me! We desperately need a ranch!!!
There's a fab house for sale just outside Dunoon at the moment. It's a bungalow thingy but has something like 8 acres attached to it. Grey proof the fence and it would be perfect! I tried to persuade Graeme that we should buy that one but, sadly, it was a bit out of our price range!
Not really to do with the original thread, but my nose is bothering me..........which house is for sale outside Dunoon (myself, my husband, our son, 3 greys, 1 shepherd cross, 2 guinea pigs and 1 goldfish live in Strachur). Hope you don't mind me asking? Unfortunately would probably be outwith our budget as well!!!
It's just at Rashfield. You come out of Dunoon, past the fields before the farm on the left hand side and there are a couple of places on that side that look like they are fairly new. It's on the long straight stretch before Benmore - got a big ReMax sign outside.
Well they did it again! They featured another greyhound owner in tonight's programme!! A man who does dog walking for a living, would you believe, with a home like a disgusting rubbish tip that had not been cleaned for 10 years. If I knew a dog was living in that conditions I would be taking it away.
The greyhound looked a fair age, brindle with a white face, named 'Priceless' (lovely name), shame about the owner. One minute they called it 'she' next minute it was 'he'!!
The laboratory tests they did, actually proved that the the bacteria & whatever they found could have made the dog unwell too!
Kim & Aggie made a sweet smelling product to hang up above the dog's new bed to stop doggy odour!! Didn't anyone tell them that greyhounds don't have the usual doggy odours.
Anyway, at the end of the programme it was a delight to see the house transformed, and Kim & Aggie walking down the street with 'Priceless', arguing over who was on poo duty!!
Yep.....saw this programme as well, and thought another grey living in squalor, although I would not have let any dog live in that. It's heartbreaking because you know how all the dogs mentioned on this site are so loved and live in luxury. The grey just looked a bit of a lost soul in all that rubble, and then they profess to love their "constant companion"!! It's true some folk can't manage themselves, never mind a dog that deserves better than Priceless had. What was annoying is that the man concerned had enough insight to realise that his posh customers in Chelsea probably wouldn't let him walk their dogs if they knew what his house was like!
You never know, it might make the organisations that hand out dogs WITHOUT a home visit think twice!!
Sorry about the delay in replying, thanks for the info - will look out for the house!
Re greyhound owners living in squalor - I thought they did......or is that just us!!!!!!???????? I'd like to see Kim and Aggie do something about my living room carpet!!!! Shampooing just isn't cutting it these days, and old Myrtle can't cope with walking on lino or laminate (I tried rugs on the kitchen laminate, which worked great for her while they were in place, but Cookie thought I'd put them down specifically for him to leap frog from one to the other, causing them to slip, slide and pile up in the corners!).
Seriously though, I didn't see the programme, but what is upsetting is that we all know how much greys NEED their comfort, it's not pampering, and living in poor conditions can't be good for their health, never mind their owners! Hopefully, these programmes will help the folks involved to get out of the "cycle" and live in a bit of comfort again! Sometimes all that's needed is that little nudge to get back on track!
Didn't see the one with the 3 greyhounds, but caught the end of the one with the man and Priceless.
Are these people getting these greyhounds from proper rescues?? Surely not?! I can't see how any rescue that does a home check would allow a dog to live in such squalor, I hope not anyway. Maybe they got them via pounds or trainers. I find that programme really quite strange, as I actually feel that anyone who lives in such filth and mess and squalor must be a bit mentally unwell in some way and as others have said clearly cannot look after themselves, never mind a dog! with some of the bachelor types that have busy jobs, no clue about domesticity and no dependents (including animals) it's maybe more understandable...I notice on this programme that invariably the person lives alone (or with a pet that has no choice), no wonder!