Just an update as to what's happening with Tyler. We have had a very up & down week with our girl. It was by no means a quick or easy decision to make, but I made the decision to have her leg amputated yesterday. She came home this morning from the vets after the op. She is comfortable and is coping with walking, and getting up & down.
To add to the stress and upset, her illness has not been helped by the high amount of fireworks we've had going off in the past week. Even at 11.00am last Sunday when I took Tyler out for a very short gentle walk fireworks starting going off which resulted in her being extremely stressed and a great strain was put on her weak painful leg as she rushed to get home for shelter! After 2 days of that, I resorted to only letting her out in the garden. We also put up the indoor kennel in the house with a cover over it & nice comfy bedding inside. She went in it immediately and it's now her safe haven if she needs it. We keep music on constantly to drown out any sudden noise. We are also using the DAP diffuser. We have been given sedatives from the vet also but have not had to resort to them yet.
GMTV featured the problem with fireworks & pets a few mornings ago. An MP in England wants action taken for a ban on fireworks being sold in shops. I will back them up all the way!
Glad that Tyler is doing well on her three legs - it just amazes me how they adapt so quickly. A lurcher we fostered about five years ago had one of her legs amputated due to cancer and last we heard she was still doing really well on three legs. It does really annoy me that around this time of year let fireworks off at all times of the day and night, so really sympathise with you, as if Tyler hasn't got enough to worry about!
Hope she continues to do well. Hugs from all of us and licks from Tilly.
So sorry to hear that you had to make that difficult decision but it sounds like the right one. Big hugs and licky kisses to Tyler from me and the gang xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope Tyler recovers quickly from her op. It is really amazing how quickly they adapt to having 3 legs. Bigs hugs a kisses from all here.
On the fireworks front. I moved to Stewarton about 4months ago and its been the best descision. In the last week i think i have heard a total of 2 fireworks. I don't know how it will be next weekend, but even if its bad on the friday and saturday, its like chalk and cheese compared to Cambuslang. I adamantly believe that they should be banned for public sale and only available for councils to put on a public display on one day only.
Hope Tyler continues to improve healthwise. Not the easiest of times, our thoughts are with you!
Good luck with the fireworks! I must admit that, because we live "in the country", I hadn't realised, until reading posts on the GAL Forum over the last couple of years, that they were such a big problem elsewhere. Guess we're really lucky - even thunder and lightning doesn't upset our 4. I must admit, the first time Cookie heard fireworks we were up in Aviemore for the weekend. I had him out for a last thing trot and, just as he spotted an easy to get to hedgehog (it's okay, he didn't get it), the first firework went off in the not too far distance! Needless to say, now whenever there's fireworks or thunder about, he looks for hedgehogs!!!
I should also mention my biggest mistake to date, which happened at New Year Millenium (we didn't have any greys then, we had Scooby, our shepherd cross, and Cindy, our elderly lurcher and something else mixed in - nothing to do with GAL in those days!!!). Anyway, we were in our caravan at Aviemore (again), and were going to the Millenium party on the caravan site. We knew that there would be loads of fireworks going off, so I put the telly on loud, so it was bright, colourful, and would drown out the noise and flashes (just in case it was too much). Unfortunately, as our son (who was 7 at the time) had picked up a sickness bug, I had to go back to the 'van with him shortly after midnight (we missed the site fireworks). That was when I discovered that, as it was the Millenium, the only thing on the telly was............wait for it...........fireworks from all the cities round the world as New Year was "rung in"!!! So, despite my best intentions, my dugs were inundated with the blooming things!!!
Anyway, hope that raises a slight smile (fortunately we had no lasting damage done!) and I hope your news re Tyler continues to be good!
I had him out for a last thing trot and, just as he spotted an easy to get to hedgehog (it's okay, he didn't get it), the first firework went off in the not too far distance! Needless to say, now whenever there's fireworks or thunder about, he looks for hedgehogs!!!
That was when I discovered that, as it was the Millenium, the only thing on the telly was............wait for it...........fireworks from all the cities round the world as New Year was "rung in"!!! So, despite my best intentions, my dugs were inundated with the blooming things!!!
That's so funny, Cookie associating hedgehogs with loud noises. And the poor dogs getting their own fireworks show.
I hope Tyler recovers quickly, giving her her own little "cave" was a brilliant idea. The fireworks around here haven't been as bad this year, we've usually had weeks of them by now. But I'm all for a total ban, I don't care how much of a killjoy that makes me.
Horrible decision to have to make but I'm sure she'll be better for it in the longrun. Hope she gets back to normal soon. We'll be thinking of you and give Tyler a big hug from us.
I hate fireworks!!! So far so good in Dunoon though. I haven't heard any (although I believe the odd one has been heard closer to town).
Big Hugs to Tyler, I have just read about the loss of her leg and I am sure she will adjust very quickly. AS FOR FIREWORKS ***********, THEY SHOULD BE BANNED! Nora
Great big hugs from us all for Tyler in getting over her op! Fingers crossed that (apart from the blasted fireworks) she continues to improve. Please keep us posted on how she's getting on.
I just caught up with this after i sent you a pm. I'm so so sorry, you have had to make an agonising decision but i'm sure it's the right one for Tyler. I know how much you agonised over her and what to do for the best but your love for her will see her through and ensure you make the right decisions.
Talk soon and lots of hugs to Tyler from Neo and sally. x
She is perky, eating, sleeping and walking well. Tomorrow she will start very short walks during the day. She had a visit to the vets tonight for a check up and all looks good.
On the downside, larger biopsies from the bad leg have been sent away so we await the results, as it's still uncertain if the cancer is present anywhere else.
Lita, I've just caught up with this. I'm so very sorry to hear about Tyler's diagnosis. She's absolutely gorgeous and will still be a stunner with her 3 legs. What a difficult decision for you to make, but we all have absolutely no doubts that you have done what is best for Tyler. I hope that she continues to recover well and is back to full strength in no time.
And I'll back that anti-firework MP too!
Thinking of you, and hoping for good news from the tests.