I know we're all biased and think greys are the best dog in the world - they are after all!!! There are so many things I love about Tilly, there's too many to list, here's a few........
1) The exceedingly cute way she peeks round the freezer when she hears one of us coming down the stairs in the morning, has a huge stretch and yawn and wags her tail and is ssoooooooo pleased to see us.
2) The enormous smiles and waggy tail when we get home.
3) The way that she thinks if she sits beautifully, looks cute (which she does do very well!) and gives her paw that we'll give her whatever we're eating.
4) The way she comes for huge snuggles and chatters away whilst snuggling.
5) The way she leaps in the air before pouncing on her toys and then tosses them in the air and starts the process again when playing in our garden and when she catches her toys inside she runs quickly to her bed with them.
6) Whe she does a huge greyhound grin whe asked to - you just have to laugh!!!!
Am sure everyone has very long lists about what they love about their greys too.................