I hope some of you will have missed us - Chad and I that is! We have had the most awful few weeks and to top it all my computer broke.
My other half was admitted to hospital (quite without warning) just over two weeks ago with pancretitis. He will now need his gall bladder removing but not until he has recovered.He is off work for at least 2 more weeks! It really was a shocking illness and I nearly lost him due to breathing difficulties and shock brought on as a complication of it all! It woke me up to how much we take each other for granted thats for sure!
We are also still in the middle of the house move and I think that will be ok now but don't uncross your paws just yet! (but it has also been a pain trying to deal with that and be at the hospital all the time too!)Our building Society have been sending the final correspondence to our new address!!! They could not understand why we were not recieving it, I have been chasing a piece of paper for two whole weeks! To top it all the phone company deleted 1571 from my phone so I could not take messages. As you all know my Mum has heart problems and is waiting for an op and whilst Kevin was in hospital my Dad went about his leg and also needs an op (as there is no pulse at the foot end!).
In addition, my sister-in-law is moving too and her sale keeps experiencing hitches too. My Auntie came down to offer moral support to us all and crashed on the way home breaking her sternum. We even killed a cat on the way to the hospital one night. Black cats crossing your path are meant to be good luck - so even that went wrong!
Since Tiger died I have had nothing but bad luck - so I hope it turns with the house move and things pick up - soon. I will be happy to just get an exchange date!Poor Chad has been home alone rather too much lately and has on occasion not even had a walk as I don't drive and have been totally relient on others to get to the hospital. He is equally fed up I think! I just wanted you all to know that we have not vanished off the face of the world just not had any time/computer for a while!
Em.... I, for one, have missed you - glad to see you back
You must be the unluckiest person on the planet and it's about time you had some good luck. I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for some good news for you. The babes have also been directed to keep their paws crossed !
Emma so good that you are back on line, the lucky white heather is on its way. What an horrble time you have all been having, I hope everyone is on the mend very soon and that the house move goes well and you can get back to normality (whatever that is?:). Take care and I am sure Chad will forgive you for not taking him too many walks once you all get in your new home and begin another chapter of life. Nora
Emma, if it's true that "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!!" you should have the strength of an ox by now
No-one deserves a run of bad luck like you have been going through and i'm sure everyone's thoughts and best wishes are with you. My fingers are crossed that things start to improve for you and your family soon, i only wish there was something i could do to help.
Try to keep positive, i know it's hard but we are all rooting for you to come through this bad period and find lots of happiness at the end.
It's really good to see you back on here again. We've been wondering what happened to you! I truly feel for you - I thought I was a bad luck magnet but, I have to say, lately - you beat me hands down!!!
I hope things start going your way again very soon (like now!!) and we'll be sending you all our best wishes and whatnot in the hope that that will help.
Poor Chad, although we all know how forgiving and loving greys can be so I daresay all will be forgiven when you get settled in your new home. I'm quite sure that he still absolutely adores you and considers you the centre of his universe!
Take care and keep your chin up. It can't last forever.
Just wanted to let you know my Mum passed away last Sunday night.
It was sudden and such a terrible shock. I cannot believe it has happened, really I can't and we are nearly packed to move house as well.
The funeral is next Thursday and I am waiting for it all to sink in.It all seems surreal just now, I just cannot believe all these things are happening in my life.But this has made me realise that everything else was minor in comparison. I think that if I stop I will have some kind of emotional breakdown so I am just focusing on moving house and planning the funeral. If I keep busy I can cope. I will be back when I have recovered but just now i may miss your special announcements and fun because I cannot bring myself to join in. Em x
Emma , I am so sorry to hear of your lose, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Please take care and remember we are all hear to listen if you want to talk. With Love Nora
Emma i just don't know how you have coped with everything that has happened in your life lately and i'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your Mum. Life just seems so cruel sometimes. Thinking of you at this terrible time.