My poor baby went in to get neutered today and she is just such a pathetic little scrap this evening. She's feeling VERY sorry for herself. Can't seem to get comfy, a bit girny and so pathetic looking.
I feel SO HORRIBLY guilty!!!
She also has that horrible anaesthetic smell on her at the moment. Wish I could take the stitches, wound and pain for her!
Karen, Sally only got her stitches out last week and she was much the same as Tigger but it only lasted two days and the she was fine, her stitches didn't bother her much and there was no need to muzzle her. she actually seemed more bothered by her leg where the catheter was than her wound..
Hope it goes the same way for Tigger and she is back to her usual self in a coulple of days. Give her a hug from us
She'll be fine, in a few days you'll wonder what all the worry was about. Tilly was fine a few days after her op and was dying to go for a huge run! She hardly bothered about her stitches which was a relief. Animals heal and are back to normal a lot quicker than humans are.
Give her lots of hugs which am sure will make her feel a lot better.
Don't feel guilty - the short term discomfort has lots of long-term benefits for Tigger. Not that she'd know that she's less likely to suffer phantom pregnancies or particular types of cancer: but you do
Poor puppy give her a big hug from me and the gang.
Are the girls more affected by the neutering than the boys? When Daisy was neutered she went all pathetic for a couple of days and perfected the "hang-dog" expression really well. It took her about 3 days to get back to her old self.
Dave and Tom didn't utter a word, they were sleepy for a day but were back to normal the day after their ops
Thanks for all the hugs. Tigger is now almost back to normal. She's still a bit tender and gives the odd wee whine when getting off the bed or out the car. Other than that, she's as right as rain! We had visitors today and she was back to her usual manic self when they came in. She gets very excited and carried away. It's getting harder by the day to keep her quiet and stop her charging around like a lunatic. Millie was so much easier to keep quiet!
She's only got ten more sleeps until the stitches come out. I can't wait!
Tigger got her stitches out today - much to the relief of all involved in keeping her quiet. Short of pinning her to the floor and fitting a straight-jacket, quiet is impossible. We had the usual 50 laps of the garden in 30 seconds the other night!
We had been keeping a close eye on the stitches because she'd managed to lick at them and the first two were quite red three days ago however they'd been improving over the last couple of days. Tigger, however, decided last night that it was time they were out and sneaked off upstairs. We heard her give a cry and, on investigating, discovered that she'd taken the first five out!
Not content with that, she then discovered the toilet seat had been left up and opted for a drink (complete with bloo loo flavouring). Quick huckle downstairs and given drink of milk to try and help. Fortunately, she'd only managed about two slurps before being intercepted!
What was that you were saying at the Christmas Fayre about "nice, quiet, little greyhound" Dave?