Does anyone else's greys have awful spacial awareness??? Some days Tilly is so clumsy and doesn't seem to have any spacial awareness. My dad keeps saying she is like a bull in a china shop which I have to agree with sometimes. She charges into rooms with her tail flying about and just about knocks poor Drummer over or wacks him one in the face with her tail. Sometimes when we're out walking she will have her cat radar on scaning driveways, doorsteps and under cars and whilst doing so doesn't pay attention where she is going and almost walks into car bumpers and lamposts!! It's a good job I pay attention where she's going some days?!!
Once, when we were walking Dave and Daisy, Dave was more interested in where he'd been rather than where he was going. He turned his head to look forward and smacked the side of his face on a lamp-post. It must have hurt but it really made me laugh at the surprised expression on his face!! What a cruel mummy I am
Yes i know exactly what you mean. Millie is very clumsly. She constantly walks into things and is too busy looking at me half the time she reverses into walls etc. You'd think they hurt themselfs but they never seem to learn.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
It all sounds sooooo familiar, Cas is so clumsy sometimes that she trips over her own paws and charges around in the house( we call the mad half hour) with not a thought for tables or humans. How the lamp in my hall work still works I do not know as it has been knocked over so many times. LOL I still love her! Nora