Thats just rediculous!!! How can they possibley warrant giving this man the option to get his dog back? Surley the SSPCA should be able to step in and stop him getting the dog back after he has been convicted?
What are they thinking about, the man should be banned from keeping pets. If they felt his dog was at enough risk to take it away why in Gods name should he be allowed to claim it back Nora
-- Edited by max at 15:35, 2006-10-23
Why would they let him get the poor thing back!!! He is more than likely to do it again and probably had done it before he was caught. What is the point of animal welfare bills when they let the animal go back to suffer. It is so sad to think about the poor wee thing.
There's no way this man should be able to get his dog back!! He should be made an example of and never allowed to keep pets of any kind ever again! This really infuriates me - if he's done this to his dog once who's to say he won't do it again and again?!!
So much for animal welfare - glad the courts are keeping all this in perspective!!!
It certainly doesn't send out a very good message, does it!
I always thought that if someone was brought to court for cruelty to animals that it was the person that was meant to be punished, not the dog (or other animal) by being given back!!! What is that all about!
Again this shows that you must ask prospective candidates for Edinburgh or Westminster at Election times where they stand on Animal Welfare & Criminal Justice before you vote for them.
Judges & Sheriffs in most cases have their hands tied on disposals of cases by what the law allows them to do & the law is set down by the Government.