That is so cute. I have to ask though how do you manage with pale carpets and a dog. I wanted to get a pale carpet to replace the dark red one (that I hate) that came with the house. Graham pointed out that at least the dark carpet hides the dog hair and dirt that they managege to bring in even though I wipe their feet.
We got the pale carpet (for a dark hall) just before Biscuit arrived last year. We just have to make sure the hall door is shut at any time Biscuit comes in from the outside. Biscuit is very good at getting his paws wiped off every time he comes in, but the carpet has suffered at times when we have forgotten to close the door, and Biscuit comes in all "charged" up, and races up and down with muddy paws. It does help it's wool, and when dry, ordinary mud hoovers off quite well. It does suffer though, and I'm glad the kitchen has tiles, because just one dog can make an incredible mess!
On the subject of cream carpet I am having lino put in my hall this weekend because I have a cream carpet (I got it when all I had was a cream cat) and it now looks disgustingly manky from my mucky feet and the 2 dogs. I wouldn't recommend it. But then maybe I'm just a manky cow
He is just as cute as a button! What a lovely photo - captures his expression brilliantly!
A cream carpet would hide Wills and Millie hairs beautifully but it's just not practical with three lots of manky dog feet coming in and out!
Jenny, I doubt very much that you are a "manky cow"! It is nigh on impossible to keep any colour of carpet clean with muddy paws and shoes coming in and out. I also have to say that the stinky, minging, sludge from the edge of the Holy Loch (when I walk down the beach at low tide to get to the boat) doesn't help much either. I've got terracotta carpets throughout the downstairs and they are suffering somewhat now.
Folks - thanks for all your nice remarks about cuteness and Biscuit, but I really must point out that it does make me smile, as his cuteness hides the downright mischief and nonsense of about 3 dogs!! He seems to come up with new ways every day to test my patience. Today was jumping in the loch to try and take on 2 adult swans, (the swans did start it - but no excuse) then chewing my sleeve and then the lead, when I was getting him away from the swans. He really is at that terrible teen stage, when he can have good days and downright awful days, but we still love him
OMG! - A teenage Biscuit with all the spots, tantrums and bad hair days! But no matter what stage he's at, he'll still be the cutest of dogs looking as if he's about to be naughty! It's a super photo of Biscuit. It looks as if he's as nosy as Dixie - she's constantly looking out the window and wuffing at any passerby - it doesn't half catch them unawares as our lounge is upstairs!
Lovely pic. Handsome hound. Ruby sits like this on the stairs too. I also have cream/beige carpets throughout the whole house, except tiled kitchen and horrid green in the dining room from previous owner. Getting ripped out next year and kitchen changing rooms. Yes they get manky and it's really rather embarassing at times but I would rather just clean them more often than have dark carpets. Burgundy in hall when we arrived. Made it look so dark and dingy and with Lenny being white not a good mix. At least his hair dosn't show up on these carpets but have to admit is due a full clean when I'm on holiday is two weeks. At least Rosie and Ruby don't really shed that much.