Branny's socialisation is going really well, since we attended the dog training classes through in Broxburn he's been like a different dog. Although he only took part in the class a couple of times (he's far too smart and didnt want to show the other dogs up ) it's done wonders with his confidence with other dogs by just being in such close proximity. I think the classes were also handy in training me not to get so uptight when other dogs are near by and as the dog picks up on your fears, this has led to much happier walkies all round.
Linda & I also took him and wee Sammy (aka Houdini) to Queens park a few times and that really helped too. I'm not saying he doesn't have his moments, but these days he's more inclined to have a wee whine when he sees other dogs rather going for the full lunge and barking like something possessed. I would say the only time he reverts to previous form is when dogs get too close to him for his liking and it's more like a warning now not to get too near.
I think our proudest moment to date was when i took him along to the Christmas show, he was so well behaved and took everything in his stride and during the homeless parade he strutted about like a pro and the hoards of other dogs didn't bother him that much at all
He's been here for the best part of 17 months now and its been a delight having him here; it's also been a real learning curve for me. With regards to him staying're going to have to watch this space over the next couple of weeks as Branston might just have some news regarding that......
Karen, you've done absolutely great with Branston. Well done. Your work has paid off and glad to hear that you've shared proud moments. Looking forward to hear the boy's news.
Yeah, what is his news?? I'm really glad to hear he's doing well with his socialization, it proves it can be done and theres hope for my one yet. I always think he looks like such a happy dog in his photo's, your really doing a good job.
Thanks for all the lovely comments. :News? What news? ohhhhhhh that news.....!!! Sorry can't possibly say just yet as I've been sworn to secrecy
Michelle, there is always hope! everyone who knew Branston of old has commented at the walks that he's so much more calm now; Jet sounds like a pussycat compared to the "old branston" lol Seriously though, I can't recommend attending a good training class with various breeds highly enough, even if you're just sitting at the side armed with a bucketful of hotdogs, it does wonders with their socialisation.
We're hoping to come along to the one in broxburn that you take Branston too, since they clearly can do a good job! However I work in the evenings when it is on so when I say "We're hoping to come along" I really mean "I'm hoping to bully my poor OH into taking him"
Anyway, news, we're all good at keeping secrets here y'know.
What you and the other volunteers from GAL have done for Branston is incredible, what a huge difference being with you and you both 'learning' together has made to his life. Thank you.
listen do you want to know a secret?, not telling,Idon't believe in letting the cat out of the bag until a deal is signed,sealed and delivered,lol,but I'm with you guys,wweee need to know Karen,tell all or else,you are gonna get lynched,by the way Boss is looking for his foster couch, lol.Tomorrow is D. Day in my book!!!
well, the fab news is that Branston wont be living with his forever mummy....but he will be moving to aberdeen in the next few weeks to live with his forever daddy!
I've been dying to spill the beans for ages, but we had to do the necessary with Linda so as we knew it would be official. I took Branston up to aberdeen a couple of months ago and it was love at first sight with Branston and his new daddy, Malc (Ciocc in the intro page) Branston gave him the big eyes and did his sooky thing and the deal was done at that point. we've been up to aberdeen since and took him to the beach where malc got to see first hand what the fear aggression was like at its worst and the great news for Branny was that he sees that the things that make Branny great far outweigh his issues with other dogs.
I'm so delighted for both of them! he'll be moving to a big house (with carpets and not laminitate to Branny's delight lol) he'll have a big garden to play in and there are loads of lovely walks nearby for him too. he already has a fan club in aberdeen and i think malc will be selling tickets for the first few weeks as everyone is dying to meet him!
all that has to be done now is for malc to make the garden secure and then he'll be moving up in the next few weeks. The good news for Branny's fans is that malc has promised to bring him down to the monthly walks whenever he can and i've put a clause in the contract that i can go up to visit him too.
I was adamant that i would be taking a wee break from fostering for a while as the work on the house has been put on hold while Branston (and ozzy before that) were here. unfortunately for me, i went down to Rachel and Eddie's yesterday and Rachel pulled out the big guns and brought out the gorgeous Smudge and Boss. i was more than a little bit smitten with both of them, so my couch might not be empty for too long!
Ah well, the cat's out of the bag as Karen has blown my cover....Yup, once my new garden fence is up I'm hoping that Branston will decide that it's okay for me to be his forever dad. He's been for a couple of visits already with his foster mum and is soon coming to stay for a few days on his own so he can test my sofa properly - I can't wait!
I was down at the walk today, so have met some of you already although I don't remember the people so much as the dogs.... Only kidding, my thanks to everyone who made me feel so welcome. Branny also decided that he would make me look good by behaving like an absolute star, so I think I might just be in with a chance with him. What a fan club he has, I feel duty bound to make sure I make it to as many walks as I can in future to let him meet his public..
Karen has done an absolutely fantastic job with Branston and I hope I can live up to the standards he has become used to, he deserves it and I think I owe it to Karen as well.
It was lovely to meet you (and Karen again) yesterday at Langbank - also known as "Tripestick woman". Lol.
I am absolutely delighted for you and Branston and am looking forward to hearing all about how he settles in and adapts to his new life in Aberdeen. It's a lovely area and I loved staying up there. Also eagerly awaiting photos of the handsome lad in his new home (and garden).
It was such a great day to see Karen, Malc and Branston at the walk! And I know that Branston will always be such a star - he was the teachers pet at the last training class. AND since Karen has put in the clause to have Branston come around - it really is the best of both worlds! :)
So lets all celebrate the good news!! FINALLY now that it is out of the bag! I'm sure Karen or Malc will keep us posted to the progress of Brandston and we will have a big celebration once it is all official! Oh - do we get to have a party?? Hmm... I do love to bake!
I am sooooooooooo please for our gorgeous Branston - he really deserves his forever home - he's certainly waited long enough!!! And well done Karen for all you amazing hard work with Branston
It's such an exciting time right now all the long termers are going quick and fast - Branstons got his home, Eugene should be going to a new home v soon - we just need a forever home for Sammy brindle and we can all retire!!!