I'm pleased to announce there will be a Calendar produced for 2007 featuring GAL dogs. More details will follow shortly so watch this space...............!
finally.....................here it is !- the GAL Calendar for 2007. If you would like to reserve a copy of the Calendar - you can do so online via the shop (you will need to order by clicking on the image of last years calendar as our website is in the process of being updated). If you prefer you can send a cheque to me - just email me for details (lorna@gal.org.uk). The price is the same as last year - £8.00.
We are hoping to have the calendars available next weekend for the Christmas show and will confirm this later on in the week - they are currently in production at the moment.
Nice to see the lovely Janie on the front. Blue sends a big harumph as he is not a GAL dog so therefore not in (fair enough though!) but a big cheer for his favorite girly gracing the front. Looks great well done for getting it off the ground in such a small amount of time
Your welcome My avatar is a bit dark but it's hard to get Sally to stay still long enough to take a photo!! She has certainly come out of her shell and is just a little bundle of mischief and fun, would not have it any other way though
Will there be any muzzles on sale at the show on sunday? Sally recently ate the straps off Dan's muzzle and we've not had time to replace it yet. We need a muzzle for him at the show, just in case, so if you have any with you that would be ideal. A large white muzzle suits him best. We're also hoping to pick up some calenders and cards too!
Well, I got my calendar and my Christmas cards at the Fayre. The calendar is fab and I'm really looking forward to admiring all those gorgeous hounds throughout the next year.
My next dilemma is, who are the lucky recipients of the Christmas cards going to be?