Just thought that people would like to see this years Christmas card.
This is Tara at 6 months enjoying last years Christmas. She was opening her presents.
This year I was going to do one of Zak, but with him cutting his paw he was in brightly coloured bandages. I was hopeful when they took the bandage off a couple of weeks ago, but that was not to be. We left him overnight fine with a sock on. He was also fine while we were at work. When Graham got home he took the sock off (it was only to be on while we were not there). I was on a half day and came home. When Zak came to give me his usual exuberant greeting I noticed bloody footprints. I thought that he had burst the stitches bouncing around as he had only had the sock off for 5 minutes. No close inspection of his bed showed a lot of blood and lots of bits of thread. The sock had been off for 5 minutes and he had ripped half the stitches out. So it was a quick dash to the vets and another bandage. As of today he is again bandage free but it is a bit late for the cards. Hopefully next year I will be able to send a Zak card.
Hope Zak's paw gets better soon and at least he is bandage free now (again) what about giving us a Zak's New Year Wishes Card - okay i own up I just love seeing the photos