We have just got back from a walk and I have discovered that Tilly has managed to rip one of her stopper pads open (hence the blood on our cream-coloured carpet!).
It has bled quite a lot and I have bandaged it up the best I can.
In other owners experience, do stopper pads tend to heal quite well by themselves or do they generally require vet treatment?
Andrew just before the GALa Neo ripped a claw out chasing a rabbit and he opened up a stopper pad at the same time. I did see a vet about his claw as he was in a bit of pain and bleeding a lot and at the time the vet was not concerned about the stopper pad and it was left to heal itself. I bathed it every few days in warm, salty water just to keep any infection away and it healed well.
Neo had been given antibiotics for his claw at the time anyway so i'm not sure if it had just been the pad if the vet would have prescribed anything but the impression i got was once the bleeding stopped just to bathe it and leave well alone. I dressed it for a few days just to help with any bleeding. Hope that helps but it's like everything else if your in any doubt the vet is the best one to put your mind at rest.
I think it depends on the severity of the cut. Indiana cut his and although we cleaned it, he was still limping the next morning so we took him to the vet. They checked it to ensure there was nothing inside the cut still and then gave him antibiotics. At a later stage he had a smaller cut and he did limp at the time and whine (he is very dramatic...) but after we cleaned it up he was walking fine so we didn't go to the vet that time. It healed itself really well and there were no problems. I did wrap his paw in clingfilm when we went out a walk to reduce the chance of infection while it was healing. Hope this helps and all paws are better soon!
Thank you! My attempt at bandaging seems to be holding up ok until Debbie gets home. Cling film is a great tip, thank you -will be useful for walking her on the muddy wet playing field near us!
Thanks Andrew, he seems to be in a lot less pain now that the damaged bit of his tail has gone.
Your bandaging attempts are probably a bit like mine, Neo's dressing came off yesterday and i had to either sort it myself or have a trip to the emergency vet, which i was trying to avoid as he is there for a check-up tomorrow anyway. Don't think it looks like a very professional job but it is staying on and that's the main thing
Took Tilly to the vets this evening to get the pad checked. After removing the bandage (which the vet said we'd done well) at which Tilly screamed so much you'd think it was her leg he'd removed, not just the bandage, it appears that the pad is starting to close up again.
The vet bathed it and re-bandaged it VERY thoroughly - her leg now looks about twice its normal size and is sporting a flourescent green bandage. He has also put Tilly on a course of antibiotics, and some pain-killers because she's such a wimp. We've to take her back on Saturday to have the dressing changed and the pad re-checked.
Can I briefly point out that the "thank you" posted above is entirely sincere, in case anyone misinterprets it. The advice was very helpful and the pad had started to heal before we took Tilly to the vets, thanks to that advice.
We all know that the advice on the Health Issues page is only based on previous experience, and I am sure I'm not alone in saying that it is often reassuring to hear about others experience. Of course, if in any doubt, we take our dogs to the vet anyway, which is what we did with Tilly.
It's very difficult to get the intonation to come out in writing!
Not that I had anything to add but I did follow the thread with some interest (very accident prone dogs in this household). I don't think I'd have mis-interpreted it but know what you mean about how things look in writing as opposed to how they are meant. I've just posted a reply in the Events thing and am yon way where you don't quite feel that it came out the way it was meant to sound.
So, anyone reading that thread - take it as very happy and complimentary!
Another quick question: I did a "Google" search on stopper pad injuries - as you do - and one of the things which came up was "Stopper Pad Protectors". It looks like they're designed for collies etc who do agility, but they also do a large size for greyhounds. They only cost about £10, and bearing in mind Tilly has so far cost us over £60 in dew-claw and stopper pad injuries, it sounds like a good investment.
Has anyone used these before, or got any comments/opinions about them?
Sorry I don't know anything about those stopper pad protectors, but I just wanted to say i hope Tilly gets better soon. I probably shouldn't laugh, but I did when I read how Tilly screamed when the vet took off her bandage. They can be such drama queens
Hope she gets the bandage off soon.
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
Hope Tillys pad heals quickly. On the subject of keeping foot bandages dry, the only thing that i've found works is a verruca(?) sock that people wear to the swimming baths. its completely water proof.
Tilly finally has her bright green bandage off and the pad seems to be healing well. Have been advised to keep her on antibiotics for another 5 days just in case.
Thanks for all the "keeping dry" tips - much needed in the current climate.
Hi Alexis, sorry its taken so long to get back to you. The socks can stay on themselves but i tend to put a bit of micropore at the top just to keep it in place. The only problem i've found in the past is finding a chemist that actually sells them!