Why be a foster? All sorts of reasons I suppose, some people have very noble reasons and some very selfish reasons. I think I fall into the latter! Its the only way I can have a dog and I can't live with out the presence of a dog in my home and I'm not allowed to have my own dog. My Husband is not the doggie type and we caravan in Europe for up to 3 mounths a year!
I have had four foster dogs since August 2005. Each one the most beautiful, loving,and challenging in thier own way. Never having had a greyhound before I have experienced the biggest learning curve ever! I have been through the gnashing of teeth, the crying of tears and the throwing in of the towel!!!!! But I was saved, supported and given advise by Denise , Esther, Dave, and Carole. Where would I be without them? Dogless!!!!
Being a foster Mum means I have the pleasure of getting a dog who knows nothing about living in a house and introducing it to all the pleasures, comforts and love that living in a home means. Teaching basic commands, like 'come', 'bed', 'wait' and the two commands that make my life on wet and windy, cold nights bearable--'Hurry up' and 'quickly' (for Poo +Pee):
There is this wonderful feeling when the dog comes to you for the first time to be petted and aknowleges you. Sometimes this is a few hours and sometimes its a few days, but when it happens its the bestest feeling!!!!!
So who am I doing this fostering thing for ???????????? Me or these beautiful greyhounds
I'm full of admiration for the people involved with GAL who foster dogs no matter what their reasons are. You are giving each dog in your care the most wonderful start to their new lives in a home. I'm so glad you wrote to the forum - GAL couldn't home as many dogs without people like you!
Really enjoyed reading your post Lesly Jane. So many hounds and their owners have people like you to thank. Would love to hear more tales of your foster dogs