There are some fantastic photos on here. Love the one of Rainbow tucked up and also Cas and Sasha. Glad I'm not the judge - couldn't pick a winner to save my life!
Ok - here's mine, later than everyone else but not been on pc. There are some fab pics, you can see how much our dogs are spoilt Its so nice to see how happy they all are.
"Adopting just one Greyhound won't change the world, but the world will surely change
for that one Greyhound."
I think some of you folks are helping your hounds with their "comfort factors" - cosy blanket wrapping and cute babies!!!! Here's Biscuit following the sun......
Well we can still continue, he obviously didn't think the competition was going to be so tough.
My vote goes to ......... ok at the moment I have short listed (to be honest its not that short at the mo) between Mason, Tigger, Millie, Dan, Dust & Biscuit.
Got to say I love the picture of Lulu looking completely zonked out on her cushion. Quick warning tale about our over-relaxed pooches though - Mason likes to crash on his sofa with his legs sticking straight up quite a lot and the sofa is next to my front window. Last week my neighbour was at the bus stop outside my house when she heard an elderly lady say to her companion "I think that dog's dead". She looked in and all she could see were Mason's legs sticking rigidly in the air! Keeping a straight face Jenny said to the lady she was sure everything was fine, but the lady was adamant saying "He hasn't moved for 15 minutes, I'm sure he's dead, the poor thing". It was only when the lady said she was worried and going to call the police that Jenny went up and knocked on the window bringing Mason's head bouncing up to prove he was okay
Valarie, trust me Zoe needs no help to slip into bed with her biggest fan Alix (said cute baby) Alix was ill that day and I made her a bed on the couch, before I knew it Zoe was staight in there snuggled in. She sleeps with Alix every night, no dog bed or floor for her the little madam.
Its just nice to see so many happy, healthy, content, spoilt dogs
-- Edited by Sunny girl at 13:44, 2007-02-07
Greyhounds are like chocolates, one is just never enough.
Sorry about the size and quality of the photos - but I think you'll agree that Tilly is a definate contender for the comfiest dog!! As I type this she is sound asleep on our bed which funnily enough has Tilly sized muddy paw prints all over it - wonder whose they could be!!!!